Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fantasy Football Fanatics

My roommate is an avid fantasy sports fan. He's the GM of a fantasy baseball league in the summer, has multiple fantasy football teams, and even talked me into joining a fantasy hockey league so that there would be be enough teams. He lives for his fantasy sports, and during the fall months it is nothing but football. He takes his fantasy football league very seriously (if his fantasy football team has a bad week it seems to effect his mood all week),and so do the other people in his league, he receives countless calls from other members of the league every Sunday, either to brag about how they're team is doing, or to ask if he had seen a certain play. Recently his brother and a few of his brother's friends have been coming over to our house on Sundays to watch football because we have the NFL Red zone channel, which airs nothing but football for eight straight hours. A fantasy football players dream. Each Sunday my roommate and his friends gather around the TV in time to catch the kick off of the early games, each with a laptop resting in their laps ready to start clicking away so that they won't miss a single play and so they can follow all of their players simultaneously. The next eight hours are spent relatively devoid of any real conversation, mainly just screams or groans in reaction to a play. What few conversations there are are all very brief, and not much attention is given to the conversation, most of the attention is still lost glancing up and down between television and computer, as if there were a tennis match being carried out between the two screens. An entire room full of people seem to be completely oblivious of each other as they focus intently on the games and stats as they flash across the multiple screens in the room. When the games have finished they finally find time to talk, and the conversation that has been pent up for hours comes bursting out. Some are ecstatic about winning their match up for the weeks, other distraught and cursing their team, or the refs, or their own poor roster decisions. When everything is finalized and there are no more games for the week my roommate immediately begins to look ahead to the next week. He'll look to see who he plays next week, who his players are matched up with, and beginning to decide who he will start in his next match up, and the cycle begins again.

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